12/19/00 ~ Merry Christmas, minna!
Weeelllll, there's more fanart in the fanart section and some new
fanfiction coming soon! Oh, did I mention that there's MORE pics in
some of the galleries? Hopefully, there's going to be some more info
in the info page and some of the sections will be opening! Oh, and
some more GW pics coming soon as well!
10/26/00 ~ More pics in the fanart
and RK galleries....I've been so busy with school that nightime is
the only time which I can update.. Hopefully more will be coming soon
when I have the time.
2/1/01 ~ [Ok, so I kinda skipped
this one....]
2/9/01 ~ Hee hee hee...I think
midterm aftermath is getting to me....well anywayz, there's a new
fic on the Fanfic page and an update on The Return of Chaos. More
coming soon!
3/17/01 ~ [Ok, I skipped this
one too....]
3/20/01 ~ [And this one...hey,
I'm not perfect, no da!]
4/12/01 ~ Yet again another update!
Now, we have the Rurouni Kenshin information page up and some new
updates on current fanfics as well as some more fanfics up! Booyaka!
5/8/01 ~ Huzzah, I got yet ANOTHER
fanfic up! This time it's FF8 and has been really popular from the
readers. And I've also added some misc. sayings that I put up just
for the fun of it too. Also..as you can see, I have changed the background
a bit. The other way was way too weird for me and took up some space,
so I changed it slightly! Oh, and I added some new pix on the FY gallery.
Anyways, enough rambling. BTW, I put more Fushigi Yuugi Info (thanks
to Mikaela, you rock!) and maaayyyybbeeee some summaries. But that's
about it. More to come soon!
6/7/01 ~ The Fushigi Yuugi Gallery
is currently down due to reconstruction. But it'll be up soon, hopefully!
Oh, new chapters to Angels, To Forgive and Forget, The One to Love
and the final chapter to Ayame-chan's Search for the Perfect Muse.
Did I ever mention that there's also a new fic up? I also changed
the setup of the fanfic section and added some more links n stuff.
7/2/01 ~ The Fushigi Yuugi Gallery
is back up! And yes, there's more pictures to go in there!! I also
FINALLY updated the fanart page!! Woo-hoo!!! Only 5 days to go until
I go to the AnimeExpo2001!! I'm soo happy. 'Specially since school's
out, I have a lot on my hands. New chapters added: Ayame-chan and
Ayanami_Chan's Search for the Joint Muse, Angels,Two Sides of a Sword,
To Forgive and Forget, and The True Victor. Oh, yeah, I also got tons
more bishonen if ya wanna see! ^_^
9/4/01 ~Wazzah!!! It's the page's
1st year anniversary! Arigatou, minna! Okay, so I'm a bit late, but
well....booyaka. If I had the counter ever since I put the page up,
then I'd have lots of people like you coming in ^_^. Anyhoo, as you
can see, the background has once again changed slightly. The only
backgrounds that haven't changed are the Sailor Moon pages. *Hopefully*,
this background format'll last longer than the others and take less
time to load. Lessee...updates? [And then that long lil' introduction
of my muses ^_^]
9/7/01 ~ Darn! I gotta go back
to school again =(. I'm starting on Monday, September 10th. Oh, well,
anyhoo, I'll TRY to continue on my montly updates, but don't be surprised
if I didn't the next month. Anyhoo...I'll leave this one to Chichiri
to tell ya ^_^. (Da! Arigatou,
Ayame-chan, na no da. I'm happy to help out, no da!) Oh, Chichiri,
you're so nice ^_^ (Anyways, no da, more fanfart has been added! More
bishonen on Ayame-chan's bishonen page are added! And more links have
been added as well, no da!) Chichiri, you're forgetting something.
(Oh, yeah, no da. Ayame-chan has also added in a Final
Fantasy: The Spirits Within Opinion page, no da! You can e-mail
her on what you think about the movie, no da!)
9/12/01 ~ Yes, the page is back
on. Well....nothing much on updates. I've got the second chapter for
my Journey to France up and that's about it. Been too busy with home
and school to do much else. Hopefully, I'll make a big update next
10/26/01 ~ Well, I've got LOTS
of updates to tell ya ^_^. I'll hand it to Tasuki now: [ Oi, why do
I have to do this?] It's payback, baka. [ $#&*(@#&$%...I told
you that I'm sorry fer breakin' your CD!! Damn... Okay, here goes
nothin'... The Neon Genesis Evangelion gallery is up. A couple of
more pictures have been added to the Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing,and
Rurouni Kenshin galleries. And Ayame-chan found some more bishounen/bishoujo
that she caught, too. New chapters were ^&$& added for the
following fics: Chapter 11 and a side story for Angels, Chapters 6
and 7 for The True Victor, The final parts for Ayame-chan's Journey
to France except for the last part {that was a real *][&%^* horror...NEVER
have your $^%%*& authoress go on anime withdrawl...scary...},
Chapters 5 and 6 for Two Sides of the Sword And chapter 9 for To Forgive
and Forget. And there's a @#$^%& lil' form thing-a-magig if you
wanna submit anything to this site. They're on the #@#%$^%#%@# fanfiction
and fanart pages....] Good boy, Tasuki. [Yeah, yeah, whatever] (Tasuki-kun,
have you been playing too much Final Fantasy VIII lately, no da?)
[No, I haven't dammit!] Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that I hate
high school!!!! Gar...
12/23/01 ~ More fanart has been
added! I've revamped the entire fanart gallery so it would be KINDA
easier for you (those people who have lowly 56K modems out there)
to load. Oh, yes, and I've fixed the Fushigi Yuugi information area.
I just noticed that it was a bit hard to read with the new background
and all, so ^_^. Um...my Final Fantasy shrine is up! Please go look
and tell me what you think about it, minna! Let's see...what else?
I'm done with Angels!! Wahahahahaha...please tell me what you think
about the end, no da! Uh...I've added a new fic up. Oh and have an
early Merry Christmas, minna! I'm working on the Other Anime section
right now, so expect that to be up pretty soon. ^_^
1/31/02 ~ Not a fairly huge update
today. I just added some more chapters to my fanfics, caught more
bishounen, put in some awards that I won, and warped the links gallery
a bit. That's pretty much it. I was busy with finals, so next month
I'll promise for a huge update ^_^.
3/24/02 ~ Well, I've made the
new layout for this site and I'm glad how it turned out, no matter
how simplistic it might be. The old layout started to get on my nerves,
so here's the result! I completely took out the Anime Information
section because I just simply don't have time to update it, and it
has been a while since I've updated that section anyway. I'm very
sorry for those who liked that section, but I just simply don't have
the time that I used to have. My scanner's not being accepted by my
new computer, so I haven't been able to scan anything whatsoever =(.
I drew so much, too! Oh, well. Anyhoo, I've completely updated on
my fanfiction section so that it matches with the updates that I have
with MediaMiner.org and Fanfiction.net. The Image Gallery is undergoing
construction right now and in due time it'll be completely back up.
I'm really, really working on the Other Anime section, so expect that
to be up pretty soon. That's about it!
5/5/02 ~ The image galleries
are all back up! ^_^. Just realized after countlessly working
on them that I had a lot of galleries on there. I took out the Evangelion
galleries to make some more room. There's a few tidbits here and there
on the Other Anime section *gasp*, which is FINALLY up, but there
will constantly be updates on there because...well, I like to watch
a lot of different anime, ya know? Remade the layout for my fanfics.
That reminds me: I've been bad on my fanfics lately *facefault* Only
one fanfic updated today and one fanfic completed.
I've also created two more banners for my link to me page for those
who don't want to use the big ones.
6/9/02 ~ For those people who
have been trying to send me stuff and it seems that I haven't been
able to give you a reply, please e-mail me what you were giving me
again. My e-mail address has changed because the old e-mail server
is going off the "free" service. So, just e-mail me again
on the new one (it's been updated on the menu!) I've been able to
put up some of my comments on the Other Anime section and reorganized
that a little bit. I've taken out the Sailor Moon galleries to save
some space, but I will put up a link to them on a different site once
I'm done with finals and all. The Fushigi Yuugi Manga section has
been changed, so all there is is the translated scans. I'll have this
lil' thing for every time I update will be a new untranslated pic
or something like that. Deleted the "Specials" in the Gundam
Wing section: I'll translate them later. Deleted some of my old fanart
as well as some of my old fanfics that I haven't updated in a while.
Don't worry: some will be back up once I get cracking ^^. Some more
fanfics up, guest fanart added, revamped the links page yet again,
and....SCHOOL'S ALMOST OUT!!!! ^_______^
7/11/02 ~ My fanfiction and fanart
sections have been set up on a different site cuz I'm running out
of space! However, you'll see the updates on this page ^^. The site
link is on the bottom. I've added some more fanfic chapters, some
more guest fanart, and two new links are put on the links page. There's
also a new award up on my awards section ^^. Changed my profile a
bit and I've also updated the Other Anime section again with a new
anime: Ayashi no Ceres. Oh, yeah, and there's my con report for AX02!!
It'll be on the image galleries section until I get the photos developed.
8/21/02 ~ Whoo hoo, 2nd year anniversary!
Wow, can't believe that I've had my site up for two years now ^^.
Anyhoo, the fanfiction/fanart site has been updated. I finally got
my AX02 cosplay pictures developed and they're on the image gallery
section now along with my con report. New review is up: Rurouni Kenshin
OVA - Seisouhen. Also caught a couple of more bishounen.
10/8/02 ~ Ah, finally another
update! Sorry, people, but school's been getting to me ^^. I've changed
my twin's website on the links page, added another "review"
on the other anime page (The Legend of the Five Rings book
series), added some more chapters on my fanfiction website, changed
my profile a bit yet again (ah, yes, the multiple names I get...),
and added a couple of more bishoujo that I caught in my spare time
12/17/02 ~ Weeeellll, after close
to a month and a half, I've put up not one, but THREE (yes, you heard
me right: THREE) reviews on the Other Anime Section: Slayers (classic
season), X/1999 the Movie, and Spirited Away. I've also taken out
the comics section for Fushigi Yuugi. The entire image gallery thumbnails
have been revamped. I'm thinking of moving my site because I'm running
out of space on the free server ^^, but not sure where just yet. Don't
worry: I'll warn ya ^^. That's about all. Enjoy!
1/2/03 ~ Happy New Year everybody!
Wow, I actually get the site updated so soon for once ^^. I usually
update once a month, but I've been recently lazy and busy with school
projects and such (which are EVIL by the way). Anyhoo, there is no
new review this month. I added a new section for AnimeExpo 2003 (yes,
I am going!) and uh....that's about it ^^. If you are people from
the West High Anime Club, there will be some info for you guys. Mainly
some of the important stuff for going and such. You'll probably see
it before on my twin's site,
but I'll be adding info about those interested in the Artist's Alley
as well ^^. Anyhoo, enough rambling from me for now....
2/22/03 ~ Just updated the AnimeExpo
03 section a bit for West High Anime Club members.
6/03 ~ I dunno what I did ^^;;;
7/9/03 ~ My AX03 Con report is
up! ^^. I'll have pictures coming soon.